Academic level​

Pastoral life

High school life

Welcome to La Sauque

In a privileged environment, in the heart of the Sauque park in La Brède, we have been welcoming young people entrusted to our care since 1943 at the Lycée de la Sauque. Today, 550 students, including 350 boarders, girls and boys, are learning community life with respect and attention to others.

At the service of the integral formation of the person (Sacred Congregation for Catholic Education, L’École catholique, March 19, 1977, n° 36), the Lycée de la Sauque wants to be a school of life as much as of knowledge: vitae non scholae discimus (it is for life, not for school that we learn).

The diversity of lessons and activities offered gives young people the tools necessary for academic success and aims to develop a taste for work. An important place is given to sport, culture and languages with the intention of forming enlightened people and citizens of the world.

Everyone is invited to take an active part in the life of the school to experience community life and with it the need to be attentive to others. The educational team thus wishes to develop the autonomy and responsibility of the pupils with a view to the common good, a place of the integral development of persons (cf. Social Doctrine of the Church n° 164).

The spiritual dimension at the Lycée de la Sauque is truly marked by the accompaniment of the Dominican brothers of Bordeaux and the sacramental life. However, we want to develop a pastoral care open to all and invite everyone to live in the truth of love (cf. Letter to the Ephesians 4,15).

Let’s keep in mind this verse from the Gospel according to Saint John: What makes my Father glorious is that you bear much fruit and that you are my disciples (Jn 15:8).

Good road to each and everyone with the community of the school of Sauque.

The director,

Laurent Defos



Jeudi 20 février, la « Soirée des Métiers » organisée par les membres de l’Association des Parents d’Elèves, invitant vingt-deux intervenants dans divers corps de métiers, a

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  Mardi 18 février, cinq élèves de Terminale ont présenté leur discours devant un jury. Cette année, le thème du concours national d’éloquence de la

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